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Brecknock Music Videos

Brecknock Music Curriculum Work

All of the work in the videos below are created by Brecknock pupils in their music curriculum lessons. Each year group has a new area of study every half term. It could be linked to their topic work or a musical area such as pitch and rhythm or composition and performance. Watch this space for more exciting projects!

4H: Ancient Egypt

3H: Stone Age Rap

Year 4: Gamelan music tech compositions 

3H: Local Area

Year 6: Fibonacci Music

4U: Ancient Egypt

Year 6: How the role of women changed due to WW1

Year 6: Christmas Blues Composition

3C: Local Area

Year 4: Spoken Word
The Windrush

3C: Stone Age Rap

5K: Rhythm Work

Year 3: Animal Magic

4H: Samba

Year 4 Film Music

Year 5: STEAM Space travel

Brecknock and Torriano Jazz Ensemble

Year 6: The Role of Women
in WWI

Year 3: Local Area Songs

Year 6: Hydropower Composition

Year 3: Animal Magic

Transition Jazz Workshop
Brecknock, Torriano and CSG

Year 3: Stone Age Rap

Year 5: Chinese New Year Compositions

Brecknock and Torriano Federation Spring Concert 2024

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